
The Wieland Davco Corp.


Kissimmee, FL 34747

Company Info

  • Est. 1958
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol > $50 million

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Two Men And A Truck Int’l

Project Information

Project Location:
Lansing, MI
Approx Contract:
Completed - Sep 2010
Structure Type:
Office Building


Hobbs + Black Architects

Scope Of Work

Like so many of Wieland’s clientele, Two Men and a Truck International (TMTI) has forged a multi-decade relationship with Wieland that has resulted in three different phases of expansion and renovation over a 13 year span.  The relationship started in 2002 with the construction of 24,000 SF of new office, and an addition of 10,000 SF several years later.  Then, in 2013, Wieland was called on again to add 22,000 SF more, while renovating the old space.

The new space is a walking, talking, breathing testament to Two Men’s vision of being the leading mover in North America.  It was designed and redesigned with PEOPLE first.  Bright colors and open floor plans are highlighted throughout with mission statements, company sayings, historical timelines, and even an homage to the founders mother which says: “Treat every customer like she is your grandmother.”

“Your attention to detail surpassed our expectations,” said founding partner Melanie Bergeron.  “We sincerely appreciate the hard work that went into the construction of our headquarters.”

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