
WSV Group, Inc.


Saint Petersburg, FL 33705

Company Info

  • Est. 2005
  • Size 10-19 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Our Story

WSV Group Incorporated is a ground-breaking full-service residential and commercial general contractor primarily  Florida's Tampa Bay area. We represent a combined vision of community service and a belief that construction and architecture reaches their highest potential when they contribute to the improvement and quality of places and the people who occupy them. To the best of our team's abilities, we enhance and establish that sense of place.

You've got a website that you worked super hard to complete. You want the world to visit it, be compelled by your mission and vision, and respond by getting involved, contributing, buying, or even asking for help and services. To do that, you need to convince them with your words, images, and media. This takes time, effort, and sometimes money. But, we're going to talk you through a few tips that will help cut to the chase and create compelling, targeted, and efficient content clients, customers, donors, volunteers, potential partners will love.

Define Your Goals. Don't Be Aimless.

Start off by determining what you want a website visitor to do once they read your content. Do you want them to download a PDF? Do you want them to fill out a form? Do you want them to submit a donation through your website? Knowing the answers to these questions allows you to craft your content in a way that persuades them to do exactly what you want them to do.

Be Passionate. Don't Be Clinical.

A mistake that many businesses and nonprofits make with their website is being too dispassionate about what they are saying. Boring mission statements, stoic history timelines, and no attention to the donation appeal text are costing organizations millions, and they don't even know it. Start off the right way by making your content passionate, exciting, and inviting. Talk as you would on a stage or in person. Develop a voice to your content that relates to your audience. Don't put your visitors to sleep with clinical, monotone information that doesn't inspire them. Think about what inspires you and infect them with that same level of motivation.

Be Personal. Don't Be Formal.

People want to be spoken to by people, not websites. Address your audience as if they were right in front of you. Think about how you would relate to them. If they are donors, think about the reasons your current donors give and what personal attachment they have to your mission. If your audience is potential clients (people to help), think about the situations they find themselves in and what concerns they have when they come to you for assistance. Talk to them at their level, not above it. Don't create artificial barriers by formalizing your language.

Talk in Sections. Don't Ramble On.

People most definitely read on the internet. After all, that's what you're doing right now. But, like this post, you will want to divide what you write into digestible sections that a website visitor can quickly scan before deciding that he or she intends to read the information in that section. Be as long winded with your page as you need to be. But, remember to break your content up using section headers and stick to your talking points under each header.

What We Do

Commercial Experience

House Residential Building Single Family Residential

Regions & Counties Serviced

  • Florida - North and Central

Florida All

Our CSI Codes

01 24 13 - Value Engineering
01 29 83 - Payment Procedures for Testing Laboratory Services
01 31 13 - Project Coordination
01 31 19.13 - Preconstruction Meetings
01 35 16 - Alteration Project Procedures
01 84 19 - Interior Finishes Performance Requirements
01 85 00.00.01 - Conveying Equipment Performance Requirements
01 87 13 - Equipment Performance Requirements
01 88 16 - Selective Construction Performance Requirements
01 91 23 - Interiors Commissioning
01 91 23.13 - Interior Construction Commissioning
01 91 23.43 - Stairways Commissioning
03 08 00.00.01 - Commissioning of Concrete
04 08 00.00.01 - Commissioning of Masonry

Project Experience

  • Private
  • New Projects
  • Alterations/Renovations
  • Service Work/Repairs


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Service Area and Locations Map for WSV Group, Inc.
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