
IAP Design Build, LLC


Columbus, OH 43219

Company Info

  • Est. 2009
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed
  • DUNS # 830488651

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Belle Chasse Air Station

Project Information

Project Location:
Columbus, OH
Structure Type:
Terminal - Airport / Bus / Railroad

Scope Of Work

IAP was originally contracted to strip and resurface the epoxy flooring on Hangars 3, 4, 414, and 439 (approximately 122,000 SF). Upon initial environmental testing, IAP discovered that Hangars 3 and 4 were contaminated with lead paint and asbestos in the expansion joints. The Navy was unable to procure additional funds to abate the hazardous and proceed with the resurfacing of the four hangars; therefore, IAP negotiated to abate Hangar 3 and to strip and refinish Hangars 3 and 439 for the same contract amount in order to aid the Navy with their unexpected hazardous materials issues. The scope of work was modified to include stripping and resurfacing of 72,000 SF and the abatement of 773 LF of lead, 336 SF of lead, and 3,823 LF of asbestos. IAP has recently completed the stripping and resurfacing of Hangar 439 and is 95 percent complete with the abatement of Hangar 3.?

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