
IAP Design Build, LLC


Columbus, OH 43219

Company Info

  • Est. 2009
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed
  • DUNS # 830488651

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Bldg 21720 GCL

Project Information

Project Location:
Ft Gordon, GA
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

The general scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to Repair Building 21720 to provide new building systems and rearrangement of interior spaces. Remove and replace existing failed/failing building systems to include roof, interior and exterior walls, exterior doors, windows, interior finishes, finished floors, ceilings, plumbing, HVAC, HVAC controls, electrical system, communication system, SIPR, NIPR, fire detection and alarm, fire suppression system, and building information systems. Provide for progressive collapse. Interior spaces include administrative areas, classrooms, open storage, SCIF rooms, and multipurpose/conference rooms. Sitework includes demolition to provide for AT/FP compliance, erosion and sedimentation control, utilities, and walkways. The project includes demolition and abatement of asbestos and hazardous materials to allow for the required construction.

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