
Johns Manville

Denver, CO 80202

Company Info

  • Est. 1858
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Project Information

Project Location:
Woodstock, IL
Structure Type:
Industrial Maintenance


General Contractor:
Waukegan Roofing Company, Inc.

Scope Of Work

Description: Dura-Bar, a division of Wells Manufacturing Co., is a global leader in the production of continuous
cast iron bar. Ceiling temperatures can climb to 130°F in some areas of the process, so the roof is lined with
evaporative coolers and HVAC piping to bring fresh cool air into the building where employees are working.
In wintertime, industrial-sized air exchangers mix the hot air with cold external air and pipes carry it back into
the plant. Dust collection brings even more equipment to the roof. “We’re moving a lot of air as well as iron,”
says Michael Hackworthy of Wells. “The demands on this roof are extraordinary.”
Challenges: Years ago Wells embarked on a roof maintenance program with Waukegan Roofing Company,
with full inspections conducted twice a year. Since no roofing is permitted when Dura-Bar’s manufacturing
line is running, all roof replacement and repairs need to take place during the regularly scheduled plant shut
down once a year. A roof area needing attention may range in size from 12,000 square feet to 54,000 square
feet so the roofing crews are working around the clock during the plant closure.
Solution: “For 30 years the Dura-Bar facility has experienced terrific performance from its Johns Manville
built-up roof – a 4GIG system,” said Bruce Diederich, Waukegan Roofing. “Through the years we’ve looked at
alternatives to a built-up roof, but with the amount of mechanical equipment up there needing maintenance
and repairs, the roofing materials have to stand up to extreme foot traffic,” reports Hackworthy. “We have an
active bidding process for all work and Waukegan Roofing is always in the mix. Price is
important, but Waukegan comes back to us with a good solution and a good price,” says
Hackworthy. “We trust Bruce and his team at Waukegan Roofing and know they have
our best interest at heart. They watch over our rooftop and our bottom line. You can’t ask
for anything better.”

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