
Johns Manville

Denver, CO 80202

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  • Est. 1858
  • Size 500+ Employees
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Castle Pines Medical Center

Project Information

Project Location:
Castle Pines, CO
Structure Type:
Hospital / Nursing Home


General Contractor:
GRT Insulation Mark Davis

Scope Of Work

Description: The city of Castle Pines has always strived to preserve the community’s natural settings
and enhance the quality of life for its quickly growing population: the city grew by 67 percent between
2000 and 2010, from 6,000 to 10,000 people. When the community needed a marquee medical building to
accommodate the growth of multiple medical and dental businesses, they turned to White Construction
Group to build the Medical and Dental Center of Castle Pines (MedDentCP), a 25,000 square-foot building
in the heart of the city.
Once complete in summer 2013, MedDentCP will house multiple state-of-the-art medical companies in a
building that complements its natural Colorado landscape and benefits the environment through the use of
energy-efficient and green products.
Challenges: The medical center’s future tenants are dedicated to the health of the families they serve,
but White Construction Group wanted to ensure the building was dedicated to environmental health
by meeting the most current International Energy Conservation Codes (IECC) for energy efficiency.
MedDentCP was also operating on a short build time of around nine months. While the company had
initially planned to pursue a spray foam and foam sheathing hybrid solution, its triple mandate to deliver
environmentally friendly results, maximize budgets and reduce install time led them down a different path.
Solution: GRT Insulation created a continuous insulation solution to drastically reduce thermal transfer
using a hybrid solution of foam sheathing placed on the exterior of the wall assembly and R-13 batts
installed in the interior wall cavities. Just as MedDentCP is one-stop for all the healthcare needs, Johns
Manville served as a one-stop shop for all of GRT Insulations’ needs, providing JM R-13 Batts and JM AP™
Foil-Faced Polyiso Foam Sheathing, both high-performance commercial products that are designed to
work well in combination with one another.
The hybrid insulation solution proved cost effective and enabled faster installation, helping the MedDentCP
work towards energy efficiency goals while staying within budget and build timeline.

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