
Johns Manville

Denver, CO 80202

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  • Est. 1858
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Howard Roofing

Project Information

Project Location:
Pomona, CA
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

Description: Howard Roofing had long outgrown its current location of 25 years and was looking for room to
continue expanding. It found property three times larger, complete with shop buildings, warehouses and a
12,000-square-foot office building – a total of eight structures. Most needed refurbishing and all needed new
roofs. The latter would not be a problem, but timing of the move and adverse weather certainly were.
Challenges: “We had three weeks of weather delays and the deadline to turn over our current property to
its new owners was looming. Their demolition crews were scheduled back-to-back with our move,” noted
owner/contractor Ron Malekow. ”The office had to be ready for us and there were still several unknowns.
When could we start working? What would we find under the old roof? How much more time would we lose
replacing damaged wood decking? And, what was the best way to achieve an energy-efficient, fire-resistant
system at our new location?”
Solution: Howard’s JM sales representative offered the ideal solution: a 60 mil PVC system with the new
UL® Class A fire-rated cover board Johns Manville was introducing to the market – Invinsa® FR Roof Board.
This extension to the Invinsa board line provided compressive strength, along with flexibility and light weight,
making it easy and efficient to conform to the unique shapes on Howard’s new roof. Sandstone ES membrane
was selected to blend aesthetically with the area surrounding the new location, and still maintain the
energy-saving characteristics of the system. The new JM system meets the EPA’s Energy Star® and
California’s Title 24 guidelines, and it gives Howard Roofing a Class A fire-rated cover board over its
wood deck. 

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