Food Tech


Rockland, MA 02370

Company Info

  • Est. 1998
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Batory Foods

Project Information

Project Location:
Wilmington, IL
Structure Type:
Storage Facility / Warehouse

Scope Of Work

Batory Foods has previously partnered with Food Tech on a number of design-build projects, due largely to Food Tech’s expertise in food facility planning and construction, as well as its extensive national network. 

Food Tech assisted on projects such as a new corporate office building in Chicago, IL, and distribution centers in Los Angeles, CA; Garland, TX; and Columbus, OH. Food Tech also worked on this 678,000-square-foot flagship distribution center in Wilmington, IL.

Each of these projects involved differing challenges, from supply chain and logistics planning to industrial refrigeration design and cold storage construction. Throughout these projects, Food Tech delivered:

Ambient ingredient storage / dry warehouse

Cold storage

Allergen-controlled areas

Double sided dock 

Pre-cast concrete structure 


Batory Foods is a supplier and distributor of ingredients for food and beverage manufacturers in the United States. Founded in 1979 within the sugar and sweetener industry, Batory has grown into a broad-line national distributor serving thousands of customers across a range of food and beverage industries.

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