
ARGO Systems LLC


Hanover, MD 21076

Company Info

  • Est. 2004
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Embassy Security Group Facilities, Marine Corps Base

Project Information

Project Location:
Quantico, VA
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:


NAVFAC Washington

Scope Of Work

ARGO is leading this $27 million design/build contract with NAVFAC Washington to construct a 39,000-square foot, two-story administrative and armory building, warehouse, and gatehouse at the Marine Corps Base (MCB), Quantico, Virginia. The new facility supports the missions of the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG) by providing a realistic training environment that depicts worldwide embassy facilities where the MCESG will be posted. This project includes two Vehicle Control Point (VCP) facilities for training in perimeter security. These VCPs consist of high-security anti-ram Delta DSC501 wedge barricades, sliding anti-climb gates, fixed bollards, guard booths, and tie-in to Opticom™ infrared system for emergency vehicle preemption.

The design of each building follows the Georgian style of the Base Exterior Architectural Plan, and portrays the stately nature of both the U.S. Embassy’s mission and that of the MCESG. The facility is designed to achieve a  Silver rating and the constructed facilities will be certified by the USGBC as having met the USGBC -NC requirements. Sustainable strategies and features are integrated into the building and site designs to minimize the energy consumption of the facilities, conserve resources, and minimize adverse effects on the environment. These strategies also improve occupant productivity, health, and comfort while reducing the total ownership cost by using a whole building, life-cycle approach.


Additional highlights of this project include specialized features and secure areas for training, antiterrorism force protection (AT/FP), long lasting and low maintenance materials that have the durability to withstand the rigors of training exercises. The administrative and armory building includes an elevator and specialized features found in typical US Embassies abroad to provide realistic hands on training. Electrical systems include fire alarms, energy saving electronic monitoring and control system (ECMS), and information systems. Mechanical systems include plumbing, fire protection systems, and HVAC. Supporting work includes site and building utility connections (water, sanitary and storm sewers, gas, electrical, telephone, local area network (LAN), and cable television). Paving and site improvements include sidewalks, roadway access and landscaping.


The project also includes OMSI manuals, antiterrorism force protection (ATFP) measures and the base Geographic Information System (GIS) As-Built Drawing Requirements. In addition, the Department of State has specific exterior design criteria for US Embassies abroad that will also be implemented in the design of the Administrative and Armory Building. Criteria includes exterior wall surfaces designed to prevent possible climbing, requiring flush mounted exterior veneer details and flush mounted windows. Additional criteria within the facility consists of a central ceremonial stamped concrete plaza, a security barrier with bollards, a sliding gate and wedge barrier at the plaza entrance, a combination of wrought iron fencing and brick walls which surround the entire compound, lighting and CCTV security cameras, a multi-purpose concrete pad area, a screened cooling tower area, screened dumpster pad with exterior brick walls, a large propane tank and distribution system plus various access roads and sidewalks. Spaces within the building include guard stations, passport style lobby and transaction area, SIC communications room, safe haven, atrium, command suite and a rooftop terrace. Additional rooms include administrative offices, message rooms and conference rooms.

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