
Mark Carrier Constr., Inc.


Manchester, NH 03103

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol $3 million - $6 million

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Lannan Chevrolet

Project Information

Project Location:
Woburn, MA
Structure Type:
Retail Store


Mark Carrier Constr., Inc.

Scope Of Work

MCCI recently completed a new showroom for Lannan Chevrolet of Woburn in Woburn, MA. The project was part of a national effort by General Motors to encourage dealerships throughout the country to update their facilities. It was determined early in the process that the existing showroom, originally constructed in December of 1922, was not a candidate for a façade upgrade thus the project focused on the construction of a new showroom.

The soils conditions over much of the property have an unusually low bearing capacity. The original structure was never designed for these conditions which was the major cause of the building's severe deterioration. Using geotechnical soils analysis and careful structural planning, a foundation design was developed to provide proper structural support. A series of 46 timber piles, grade beams, and a structural slab were incorporated into the new building's foundation design.

Beyond the special foundation design considerations, the project needed to follow the design intent of the GM Dealership Design program using all its specified aluminum composite panels, portal entry, and glazing on the exterior façade. The interior of the new showroom incorporated specified lighting, ceilings, flooring, wall finishes and furnishings.

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