
Arcadia Northwest Contractors


Seattle, WA 98103

Company Info

  • Est. 1977
  • Annual Vol Not Provided

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Our Story

Arcadia Northwest Contractors is a residential general contracting business that performs a wide array of construction services, including: home remodels, renovations and repairs, custom homes, and spec homes.

We strive to bring value to our customers while respecting our environment and community. Average Americans spend 87% of their life indoors. So, your home should be safe, sustainable, responsive to your needs, and affordable. At Arcadia we have a passion for the built environment and endeavor to make it better for everyone. As it will likely be your biggest investment in terms of time and money, your house should feel like home.

What We Do

Commercial Experience

Apartments & Condominiums House Residential Building Single Family Residential

Regions & Counties Serviced

  • Seattle

Washington 1

  • King

Our CSI Codes

01 35 16 - Alteration Project Procedures
Service Area and Locations Map for Arcadia Northwest Contractors
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