
L4 Construction, Inc.


Longmont, CO 80501

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  • Size 10-19 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Ehrlich Toyota Solar Carport

Project Information

Project Location:
Greeley, CO
Structure Type:
Auto Dealership / Service

Scope Of Work

Ehrlich Toyota Solar Carport is the definition of innovation and design. The original carport was installed to mitigate and eliminate hail damage to the existing inventory. The dealership had experienced two hailstorms within the last two years, causing significant damage. Significant damage means insurance rates increase, depleting revenue. Ehrlich Toyota also suffered from an unusual amount of power outages throughout the building.

With the powerful partnership between L4 and ipower Alliance, the solution was to build a steel structure to protect the inventory of cars along with maximizing efficiency and distribution of power. The solar carport consists of 340 Solar panels with a maximum power output of 368kw, covering 37,500 sq. ft. In addition to solar panels, LED lights were installed inside the establishment in place of the old incandescent lighting, maximizing efficiency and lowering energy output. Between L4, the expertise and design of ipower Alliance and the amazing ownership at Ehrlich Toyota, this Solar Carport would have not been possible.

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