
Conti Federal

Edison, NJ 08817

Company Info

  • Est. 1906
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Capitol Building Utility G Tunnels

Project Information

Project Location:
Washington, DC
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:


Architect of the Capitol

Scope Of Work

The tunnels, part of a system used to supply the heating and cooling for a large number of buildings in the Washington, DC area, were built in the 1930s and required significant upgrades to meet today’s standards.

As conduits of fundamental heating and cooling utilities for critically important buildings, the “G” tunnels are vital infrastructure for operations, including the Supreme Court. The tunnels had not received upgrades their construction and were susceptible to break downs and other malfunctions. The of the Capitol required specialized utility upgrade construction in a unique, challenging and high security environment.

Conti worked through very difficult conditions, such as extreme heat, tight underground spaces and ever-changing windows of work to deliver this design-build project. The project team constructed two new emergency egress structures after demolishing an obsolete one, repaired 652’ of structural concrete, replaced lighting and installed a new exhaust fan to improve temperature cooling requirements.

Key aspects of the project included enormous flexibility to work around the schedules of each Supreme Court Justice. The team worked around the clock on a fast tracked timetable to respond to the Justices’ schedules.

The AOC gave Conti an “Outstanding” performance rating for the quality of the work delivered.

Key features

Design-build project
Constructed egress structures
Demolished former egress structure
Formed and installed rebar
Implemented side-rail system
Repaired structural concrete
Installed exhaust fan
Restored site


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