

San Antonio, TX 78233

Company Info

  • Est. 1982
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Los Vaqueros Dam & Reservoir

Project Information

Project Location:
Brentwood, CA
Approx Contract:
Completed - Jan 2013
Structure Type:
Dams & Levies


Contra Costa Water District

Scope Of Work

Atlas provided the primary earthwork and construction materials quality control for the original construction of the complex zoned embankment dam completed in 1998. Atlas provided quality control services for both the original construction of the dam in 1998 and the new construction, which includes earthwork observation and testing, concrete and steel testing, and on-site laboratory soils testing services. The new construction of these complex zoned embankments requires extensive coordination with design and construction personnel. Current project details are as follows:

1 million CY zoned embankment construction

525,000 CY blasting and 100,000 CY crushing

40,000 SF MSE wall construction

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