

San Antonio, TX 78233

Company Info

  • Est. 1982
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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New Stanford Hospital

Project Information

Project Location:
Stanford, CA
Approx Contract:
Completed - Jan 2018
Structure Type:
Hospital / Nursing Home


Stanford Hospital & Clinics

Scope Of Work

Stanford Hospitals and Clinics is building a state of the art 5-story hospital adjacent to the existing facility. This new 824,000 square foot facility will feature 368 individual patient rooms, an enlarged trauma center and emergency department. This structure sits atop 240 base isolators. The structure consists of 18,000 tons of structural steel fabricated in two plants.

Three to five full-time inspectors on-site at all times, as well as five to seven inspectors in the shop.

Inspection included approximately 3,000 auger cast piles.

Providing shop fabrication inspections for over 18,000 tons of steel in both Herrick Stockton and Herrick San Bernardino.

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