

San Antonio, TX 78233

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  • Est. 1982
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Real Salt Lake Soccer Stadium

Project Information

Project Location:
Sandy, UT
Approx Contract:
Completed - Jan 2008
Structure Type:
Arena / Stadium


Real Salt Lake

Scope Of Work

The REAL Salt Lake Soccer Team’s new beautiful home in Sandy, Utah was completed in 2008. This new sport facility and concert center is an open outdoor arena completed with the highest quality of construction workmanship and materials. The construction of this structure consists of concrete, masonry, structural steel with a single ply roofing membrane covering the canopy. This project completion anchored Major League Soccer in Salt Lake City with a large fan base. Atlas was a part of this major team providing all the testing and special inspections required as well as the overall quality control needed for such a successful outcome.

Inspected the placement of all the concrete and reinforcing steel.

Observed, tested, and inspected all the structural steel.

Provided the quality control manager for the entire construction team.

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