
Kel-Mar Designs Inc.


New York, NY 10038

Company Info

  • Est. 1992
  • Size 5-9 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Middle Collegiate Church

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Church / Synagogue


Rosen Johnson Architects

Scope Of Work

Built in 1891, the Middle Collegiate Church underwent a complete renovation and accessibility project in 2014. This 5-story, 30,000 square foot, landmarked building is located on East 7th Street in the East Village. Designed to accommodate the congregation, the limestone façade was re-structured to allow direct access from the sidewalk. Interior floors were removed and re-positioned. A new, full-height stairway as well as a 6-stop elevator with adjacent double doors were also installed.

The project required a new HVAC system, new sprinkler service, electrical upgrades and a new fire alarm system. Exterior work included sidewalk replacement and a new steel faced curb. To comply with the Landmark Preservation Commission, some of the architectural features include a slate & copper roof and custom made, double hung wood windows.

Upgraded finishes of solid wood floors, glass transoms, a terrazzo stair and re-furbished stained glass windows were part of this $8 million renovation. The update and modernization of MiCC serves to propel this vibrant church into another 100 years of service.

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