
Frank Cole Building Co.


Carrboro, NC 27510

Company Info

  • Est. 1984
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Our Story

We are a highly experienced custom building team with a long history of working together to produce fine homes. Our client list in the Carrboro / Chapel Hill / Orange County / N. Chatham areanumbers into the many hundreds. Their testimonials to our quality of service bear witness to our skills in communication, in sharing information and in team-building on every project.


Our field crews are led by long-term employees who have demonstrated their commitment to craftsmanship on a wide variety of projects both large and small. We are proud of having maintained an extraordinary level of continuity and commitment in our worker profile over the years.


Complementing the well-tested craftsmanship of our field employees is a thoroughly researched and carefully managed support system which is always ready to test and implement newconstruction technologies and approaches, such as the engineered approach to heating and cooling which is now part of our standard home energy package. We strive to bring together the best of traditional craftsmanship and of new technology so that we can continue to provide our client-friends with best-value home construction services.

Green Building

Green building is much more than using “green” materials.

Our approach is centered around the core concept of energy conservation.  For decades we’ve been working ahead of the curve incorporating solar, thermal envelope, water reclamation, and advanced material technologies wherever possible. That experience allows us to work closely with the homeowners, architects and premium suppliers to focus on creating the most efficient and comfortable environment possible for each specific project.

Above all our attention to detail and quality during the construction phase guarantee that green products and technologies work together to create an energy conservation standard greater than their sum total

What We Do

Commercial Experience

Assisted Living House Misc Project Mixed Use Non-Residential Building Residential Building Single Family Residential

Regions & Counties Serviced

  • North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina

North Carolina 3

  • Chatham
  • Durham
  • Orange

Our CSI Codes

01 35 16 - Alteration Project Procedures

Project Experience

  • Private
  • New Projects
  • Alterations/Renovations
  • Interior Fit-Ups
  • Service Work/Repairs


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