
Bread Loaf Corp.


Middlebury, VT 05753

Company Info

  • Est. 1968
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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National Bank of Middlebury Hinesburg Branch

Project Information

Project Location:
Hinesburg, VT
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

The National Bank of Middlebury selected Bread Loaf to design and construct a new bank branch in Hinesburg, Vermont. The new 2,800 square foot branch includes a drive-up ATM and two drive-up teller lanes which are covered by a canopy. The exterior enhances the character of Commerce Park.

All external lighting fixtures limit off-site glare and illumination. The design addressed the safety of vehicular and pedestrian circulation by providing appropriate separation and sight lines, with sufficient room for turning radii of vehicles.

The new facility has a high-performance insulation system and energy-efficient features including a building envelope that will reduce energy loads, efficient heating and cooling systems and light fixtures. Control system devices and the sequence of operation are designed to ensure comfort for employees and customers, with maximum energy efficiency.

Green Building/Sustainable Design

Development of site within preplanned commercial area in accordance with Town Plan

Plantings and landscaping provided to reestablish wetlands and enhance stormwater management

Energy efficient exterior lighting addresses security requirements while avoiding glare, light spillage off-site and sky-glow

Building orientation helps maximize solar exposure

Improved building insulation and air sealing

Efficient heating and conditioned air systems

Improved air quality through mechanical ventilation systems

No-VOC paints and sealants

Energy efficient lighting

Water conserving plumbing fixtures

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