
Bread Loaf Corp.


Middlebury, VT 05753

Company Info

  • Est. 1968
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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People’s United Bank South Village Green

Project Information

Project Location:
Middlebury, VT
Structure Type:
LEED Certification (target):

Scope Of Work

Bread Loaf was retained by People’s United Bank to design and construct their new 12,000 square foot office and bank building in Middlebury, Vermont. The two-story brick structure has stone details, natural wood accents and a copper roof. The scale of the design and materials used addresses both the character of the residential structures along Court Street and the commercial and civic buildings of the village.

Reflecting a shared commitment to community and social responsibility, People’s United Bank and Bread Loaf worked together to obtain LEED™ Certification for the project’s environmental design features.

Green Building/Sustainable Design

LEED™ Certification achieved

Removal of hazardous materials and reclamation of previously developed site

Adjacent to residential zone, basic services and with pedestrian access to site

Bike racks and preferred parking for fuel efficient vehicles

Well-insulated and air sealed building envelope which utilizes SIPs panels as backup for brick veneer and roof

Daylighting provided by skylights and window systems

Views to outdoor environment provided for 90% of occupied spaces

Low or no VOC emitting interior finishes

Use of recycled and local materials

Overall building energy efficiency and building performance rating

Zero use of CFC’s

Energy efficient lighting

Water conserving plumbing fixtures

Commissioning of building systems

Stormwater management plan

Indoor air quality management plan during construction and building flush-out before occupancy

Construction waste management plan to recycle or salvage for reuse construction waste generated on-site

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