EPC Services Co.


Billings, MT 59102

Company Info

  • Est. 1985
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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College Corner Rebuild

Project Information

Project Location:
Union County, IN
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

ECI/EPCS provided comprehensive engineering design, material procurement and construction management services to rebuild and upgrade the existing College Corner 138 kV Station and terminate all associated transmission lines into this new station. AEP’s existing College Corner Station utilized outdated oil circuit breakers, obsolete switches, electromechanical relays, and a 1950s control house. ECI/EPCS collaborated with AEP to design and build an up-to-date station in a clear area immediately adjacent to the existing College Corner Station and retire the existing station.

ECI/EPCS also provided design, procurement, and construction of the new College Corner Station including the remote end work at Tanners Creek, Richmond and Modoc Stations. The new College Corner Station allowed AEP to reduce operating cost, improve reliability, and improve environmental vulnerability. ECI/EPCS was also responsible for the removal and reclamation of the existing College Corner Station including the removal and disposal of all equipment, yard stone, foundations, ground grid, fence, buildings, and structures. All necessary permitting to accommodate the removal and disposal process was conducted internally by ECI Environmental Services group. The station property was graded, top soiled and planted with grass in accordance with the reclamation plan and necessary permitting requirements. AEP was responsible for the initial collection and analysis of concrete and soil samples for PCBs at the station and coordinated closely with ECI Environmental Services to ensure that all necessary documentation was provided. Test results gathered from the field were used to prepare the disposal plan including identification of approved disposal locations for PCB impacted soil and/or concrete as required by applicable laws and permits. Demolition plans were prepared for review and approval by AEP in consultation with regulatory entities and in compliance with necessary outage constraints as issued by AEP.

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