EPC Services Co.


Billings, MT 59102

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  • Est. 1985
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Hailesboro Alarm Modification

Project Information

Project Location:
St. Lawrence County, NY
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

ECI was charged with addressing alarm failure issues at the Hailesboro 3 Plant. The plant tripped offline due to high rack differential when ice clogged the rack, and there was no Verbatim callout programmed to relay the message that the racks were plugged. Additionally, the plant was recently acquired by Central Rivers Power, and when the turnover occurred, the PageGate alarm texting service stopped working.

The ECI team implemented a multi-step approach to solve the number of issues at Hailesboro. Logic was added to callout to Verbatim upon Trash Rack Plugged Warning being asserted (2.00 ft of Trash Rack Differential). Engineers guided the wiring from PLC Discrete Output Card to Verbatim Discrete Input module to program the additional callout. Additionally, ECI provided troubleshooting to the PageGate text messaging service, and rewrote scripts in the program because the service had not worked since switching to CRP/IV4 network. Lastly, ECI added a display screen to the HMI to disable/enable (shelve) alarms a la carte.

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