EPC Services Co.


Billings, MT 59102

Company Info

  • Est. 1985
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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North Division Street Hydro Station

Project Information

Project Location:
Cayuga County, NY
Structure Type:
Manufacturing Plant

Scope Of Work

The North Division Street Project involves the installation of a new 1.2 MW vertical Kaplan hydroelectric generator inside the civil works of a defunct hydroelectric facility.

ECI provided the electrical design and equipment needed to connect the new generator to the utility intertie, including the main bus, switch gear, emergency DC system and batteries.

ECI also provided design, fabrication, and programming of the turbine control and protective relaying panel, which featured GE RX3i PLC controls, SEL protective relaying, Maple Systems panel mounted Operator Interface, and a standalone GE CIMPLICITY HMI on a separate desktop computer.

ECI also provided oversight and testing of the electrical components during installation, commissioned the unit, and provided training on unit operation to facility personnel.

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