EPC Services Co.


Billings, MT 59102

Company Info

  • Est. 1985
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Roxbury Substation Iec-61850 Design

Project Information

Project Location:
Augusta, ME
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

This project was initiated after a catastrophic fire in a telecommunication/IT cabinet in the original Roxbury Substation control house.  The resulting smoke damage resulted in the need for a complete rebuild of the substation control house and all protection, integration, and communication systems.

ECI initially responded upon owner request the day after the fire. We worked with the utility to position a new mobile substation onsite, troubleshoot multiple existing problems with the mobile’s protection and control system, and bypass the damaged substation.

ECI was then engaged to develop new protection, automation, and integration settings for the protective relays, SCADA, automation and OT network equipment. ECI was also contracted to perform testing and commissioning services.

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