EPC Services Co.


Billings, MT 59102

Company Info

  • Est. 1985
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Station 38 Protection and Integration

Project Information

Project Location:
Monroe County, NY
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

ECI was responsible for relay settings and automation for a phased refurbishment of Station 38, which is a major distribution station in the heart of Rochester, New York. At the final phase of the project, the station will have approximately (100) new Protection & Automation IEDs installed.

ECI was responsible for developing the System Automation Platform using CIMPLICITY for the Station HMI, and (3) SEL-3350 RTACs for the RTU. ECI engineers were responsible for coordinating the development of all P&C settings, A&I programming and leading all onsite commissioning efforts. This effort required seven phases of work to complete as the new equipment needed to be installed and commissioned at an indoor substation that needed to remain in service for most of the project.

Scope of work included Station CIMPLICITY HMI user interface & SEL-RTAC Remote Terminal Unit; IEC-61850 Protection & Integration Settings; SCADA & IED/PED Data Point Maps and Engineering & Commissioning Services.

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