ONETEAM 4.0 with New Features Available

ONETEAM is the industry’s leading bid management solution because we listen and work with our General Contractors to implement the features that they request.

Here are ONETEAM’s latest releases:

Project Link & Pin Number for Private Bid Board
On the “Dashboard”, every project now has a “Project Link & Pin Number” that you can share with a subcontractor via your personal email. The Project Link connects them to your external but private and secure ONETEAM “Bid Board”. The Pin Number provides access to only a specific project. This new feature will save you time if it’s a new subcontractor. You don’t have to add them to your private database in ONETEAM to message them an “Invitation to Bid”.

Copy Project from Dashboard with Options
From the “Dashboard, you can create a new project by replicating an existing active project. You now have the option to include the existing project’s location and scope, trade categories, and/or vendors. You can always add or delete categories and/or vendors if necessary. This new feature will save you significant time on the project set-up.

Project Details Screen Improvements
The “Project Details” screen has been modified to only display required fields. This will save you time creating a new project. To include more information, click on the “Additional Fields” link. You also now have the option to add your project’s trade categories under the “Project Details” screen. You still need to add vendors under the “Project Contacts” tab.

Unified Plan Room Experience
Under the “Project Files” tab, the “Standard” and “Custom” plan rooms have now been combined so you can leverage the benefits of both. The “Standard” folders provide ONETEAM’s free, world-class service of separating, labeling, indexing, and optimizing the files to make your plan room more subcontractor friendly. If you don’t want our plan room service or if you just need additional, unlimited folders that you want to personally label, you now have that option.

If you have any questions or would like to propose features for future ONETEAM improvements, please call the GC Support Team at (855) 805-2560.